
Macbeth Pictures

Just following up on my Macbeth Picture Promise..
All photos will be named Left to Right.

Aleshia (Witch), Myself (Queen of the Witches), Bethany (Moral Support)

Aleshia and Myself.

Carson (Macduff), Macbeth's Head.


Dayton (Lighting Guy), Spencer (Percussion).

Emilie (Witch), Dayton, Carson.

Dayton, Kevin (Banquo), Mason (Macbeth), Spencer.

Carson, Kylie (Witch).

Mason, Witches.

Miranda (Witch), Brittney (Witch), Myself, Mason.

A whole slew of witches.


Claire (Lady Macbeth), Mason.

Mason, Emilie, Brittney, Myself, Kevin, Miranda, Aleshia, Claire... Almost the whole cast!

Carson and the witches.
Myself, Miranda, Emilie, Brittney, Miranda, Kylie.

Us witches.


Spooky witches.

Mason just LOVED this scene.

Myself, Mason, Kylie, Kevin.

Ah, my monologue.

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